From the Board
The Directors wish to thank all the members who were able to make time to attend the Annual Meeting of Members held on 29th June. We do appreciate your support and continue to invite your input.
The Directors announce Mr Mark Lilley has resigned from the role of Queensland Director, and we thank Mark for his time and efforts whilst on the Board. We welcome Mrs Leonie Walsh to the Board as the new Queensland Director. Leonie has held a number of positions within our organisation, and was previously on the Board. Leonie’s wealth of knowledge and experience will guarantee a focus on delivering outcomes to our membership, and provides strong representation from Queensland.
Memberships Due
A reminder to all members that memberships became due on 1st July. Please also remember to show your Riding Pony in accordance with the RPSBS Showing Rules and Regulations Showing Rules | Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd ( ensuring that all animals are exhibited by the current owner, who must be a financial member.
Membership Cards Discontinued
On the subject of membership, the Board has decided to discontinue issuing of membership cards, effective immediately. Your renewal receipt will include a digital membership card.
Details are always available on line via a membership search on our website RPSB: Search Stud Book ( This search function accesses a live data base, and can be used to confirm memberships by show administrators prior to, or at an event, should details need to be confirmed. In instances where as a member you have requested that your membership details be withheld, you will need a screenshot or printout of your digital membership.
50 years of Riding Ponies in Australia – 2025
The RPSBS Board of Directors are very pleased to announce that we will be hosting a National Show to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Riding Ponies in Australia.
Work is well underway for this show and we will begin making announcements very soon. The celebration of 50 Years of Riding Ponies in Australia is a very important milestone indeed and there will be really exciting showing, sponsorship and participation options available to our members and the wider equestrian industry.
From the National Office
Membership Renewals
All membership renewal notices were sent to members mid-June and renewal reminders were sent just last week. Please note that Memberships will be lapsed accordingly if you have not yet renewed.
Renewing Members are encouraged to use the online facility as renewals completed online are quick and your membership is renewed instantly.
Online Membership Renewals are available by accessing the Studbook from the website and logging on, or clicking below.
Please Note: You will need to know your membership number and your email address must be correctly recorded on the RPSBS Studbook.
Contact Details
Members are also able to amend their personal details online by logging onto Riding Pony Stud Book Society: Login. Members are encouraged to check that their information on the system is up-to-date. Our primary contact with you is via email so it is imperative that your email address is correct and that you check your emails (inbox and junk/spam folders) regularly.
PLEASE NOTE: Names on memberships cannot be amended as they relate directly to ownership of animals and historical studbook information.
Payment References
Please reference all payments with your name and the ponies name it relates to please. Ensure you submit any/all paperwork relating to your direct deposits immediately to enable your payment to be receipted promptly and correctly before end of month reconciliations.
Stallion Nominations
Spring will soon be upon us, so, if you are planning to use your Stallion, then check that he meets all of the requirements and lodge your Stallion Nominations. The Stallion Nomination form is available on the website and the Rules are available on the back of the form for your convenience.
Registrations & Memberships are being CHECKED by Breed & Show Societies, therefore, if you are competing in any show run under RPSBS Rules then you MUST ensure your pony is REGISTERED and entered in the correct exhibitors name (YOU, THE REGISTERED OWNER), then ensure you, the EXHIBITOR are a CURRENT Financial member. If you are not handling or Riding the pony, then, make certain that your HANDLER or RIDER is at least a PARTICIPANT Member of the RPSBS.
Remember Ponies 4 years and over MUST be adult registered and cannot be shown on foal recorded registrations. All colts 2 years and over must be adult registered.
Check the studbook online to see the current status of your membership and your pony’s registration.
Upcoming Events 2024
VIC Committee
An exciting little buzz within our Victorian Committee at the moment, this is mainly thanks to the generosity of some Victorian Stallion Owners for bringing our ideas to fruition for fellow members.We are running a Riding Pony Stallion Tender, where all profits are going back into show sponsorship and divided by the following – 30% Pageant at The Park (December) 50% RPOTY (January), 10% Foal and Youngstock Show in Tatura and 10% Newcomer Scheme. The tender profits will be used to subside entry fees at the above-mentioned shows and for prize vouchers. In addition, we encourage recognition given to the breeders of the winning horses at the above-mentioned shows (it must be bred in Victoria or by a Victorian based stallion)All details including Terms & Conditions, of the tender will be undertaken via Air Auctioneer site 2024 Victorian Riding Pony Stallion Auction | AirAuctioneer. This won’t be live until Monday 22nd July 9:00 am & will close Monday 5th August 9:00pm.
With the season rolling around, so far we are happy to confirm that we have provided sponsorship and a great program to the following shows so far:
- Euroa Agi (October 26th – 27th 2024)
- Whittlesea Show (November 2-3rd 2024)
- Kyneton Agi (November 16th 2024)
- Wonthaggi Agi (January 11th 2025)
With this in mind we are also encouraging all societies holding Riding Pony classes to include in the program “All exhibits must be registered with the RPSB and all exhibitors (owners, handlers & riders) must be current financial members” in the program.
We once again we look forward to sponsoring the Large Pony Champion at Melbourne Royal 2024, this time we are proud supporters of the rug to be presented to the winner.
NSW Committee
SA Committee
Kadina Ag show – Riding Pony classes 18/8/2024
Gawler Ag Show – Riding Pony classes Sunday 25/8/2024 Judge Angela Weiland – Hines
Balaklava Ag Show – Riding Pony classes Saturday 28/9/2024
Murray Bridge Ag Show – Riding Pony classes Sunday 29/9/2024
SA RPOTY – 3/11/2024
Riding Pony All Breed Summer Show 19/1/2025
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more show dates and what’s happening!