This category caters for the pony that demonstrates more substance than would normally be acceptable in a ridden Show Pony class. Ponies which compete in Show Hunter Pony classes cannot compete in Show Pony classes at the same show or in the same show season.
They are shown in the same range of height groups as Show Ponies and they are expected to demonstrate a smooth, even ride, straightness of action and a reliable temperament. The same rule regarding the height of 3 yr old ridden show ponies applies to 3 yr old show hunter ponies.
The ridden Show Hunter Pony should exhibit true pony character and ponies in the 13.2 to 14.2hh class may show some evidence of larger breeds.
They should be quality animals with a bold and noble head, good length of rein and depth through the body, good limbs, short, well-defined cannons, sufficient forearm and second thigh for the height of the pony and a little more bone than a Show Pony. They should demonstrate suitability to carry a rider across country and be sound in wind and limb.
Show Hunter ponies compete on the flat only and do not have to prove they can jump. The workout should always include a gallop (subject to ground conditions). The pony should cover the ground in all paces, with the gallop being well balanced and moving from behind, the hind legs tracking well resulting in an obvious lengthening of stride. A certain amount of knee action is permissible. A flat and stilted action is unacceptable.
Manners are extremely important. Emphasis should be placed on smooth, responsive transitions, free forward movement, even paces with straightness of action.
Saddlery should be clean, neat and well-fitting but may be more workmanlike than normal for a Show Pony class. A general purpose saddle with a deeper seat that a show saddle, and a more forward-cut panel to fit the knee comfortably is acceptable. Browbands should be plain or plaited leather, not ribboned.
Riders should preferably wear a tweed jacket and dummy spurs are permissible. As for Show Ponies whips should not exceed 75cm (30inches).

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