2023 Nominations for Election to RPSBS State Committees

Nominations are open for RPSBS State Committee Elections.

Nominations close: Friday 14th April 2023 at 4.00pm EST

Eligibility to nominate: A candidate must be 18 years of age or older, have been a current financial or life member of the Society, and have been registered in that state with RPSBS prior to January 31 that year.

NOTE: A retiring committee member who wishes to continue in office must renominate for election and that nomination must be received by the National Office on or before the closing date for nominations.

A Nomination form can be downloaded here: 2023 State Specific Committee Nomination Form

Please note that nominations require an eligible sponsor (see Nomination Form for eligibility details) and must include a resumé which will be published on the web site if an election is required.

Nominations can be sent by surface mail or email, but must be sent to and received by the the National Office no later than 4.00 pm on 14th April 2023. 

National office email: teresa@rpsbs.com.au
Carbon Copy (cc) to: secretary@rpsbs.com.au