2021 March Bulletin

From the Board

March Board of Directors Meeting:  Wednesday 17th March, 2021 via video conference commencing 9.30am eastern summer time.  Members are reminded that any material they wish to be presented at the Board meeting must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting so it can be included in the Board papers.  If an urgent issue arises after that date and does not require the Directors to research the topic then a late item can be accepted up to four (4) days prior to the meeting.

State Committees: Nominations open on March 1, 2021 and close on March 22 for positions on State Riding Pony Committees commencing May, 2021. State Committee members who were elected in 2018 must re-nominate to remain on committee.

The number of positions available on each State Committee in 2021 is as follows:
NSW  2;  Qld  5;  SA  2;  Tas  7; Vic  3;  WA  3.

To be eligible to nominate a member must have held a membership with full voting rights for at least a year and have been a voting member in the state for which they are nominating prior to 31st January 2021.  The form must also be signed by a member nominating the candidate.  This person must also satisfy the above conditions.  A resume must be attached to the nomination for it to be accepted.  Nomination forms and resumes are to be emailed to secretary@rpsbs.com.au.

To download the 2021 State Committee Nomination Form, click on the following link: https://www.rpsbs.com.au/2021-state-committee-elections/

State Committees play a most important role in the Society.  It is through their efforts that members get the opportunities to exhibit their animals in their respective states.  I encourage all members to consider nominating and, for those members unable to make that commitment to support their state committee by supporting their events by competing or offering assistance.

From the National Office

Notes from the National Office: The RPSBS Ltd landline 02 4577 5530 is manned daily from 11am to 4 pm eastern summer time each working day.  For all registration and membership inquiries please email: registrar@rpsbs.com.au and, another reminder to check the Society’s website www.rpsbs.com.au before phoning the office as all fees, forms and most information can be accessed on the site.  The web site is an up-to-date comprehensive source of information and forms.

For communications to the Board of Directors please email: secretary@rpsbs.com.au.

Transfer applications MUST BE POSTED to the National Office WITH THE REGISTRATION PAPERS.

When emailing paperwork please do not embed a photo in the email but attach it as a file and another reminder to not Direct Deposit monies into the Society’s account until you email or post the corresponding paperwork and ensure that the deposit is referenced with the member’s name.

A $20 send back fee is imposed for any paperwork that has to be returned a second time to the member for correction.

A penalty of up to $1,000 may be applied if a registration application is submitted with false or misleading information; e.g., registering an animal as a gelding that has not been gelded.

Members requesting transactions to be processed at short notice will be charged a priority processing fee.

In Memorium: 

David Mannering (Victoria) passes away on Wednesday 24th February.  David was an extremely popular, hardworking volunteer for both the Welsh and Riding Pony Societies for many years.  He will be sorely missed.

Upcoming Events

Remember the exhibitor, rider and handler all need to be current members to compete.

14th March – QLD State Riding Pony of the Year Show

VIC Committee News

  • Message from the chair
  • Ridden Riding Ponies with Blaine Perkins
  • In Hand Show Ponies with Stuart Robinson
  • UK HOTY Champion Profile
  • Thank you to our supporters
  • Equinade Spotlight

WA Committee News

It was reall2557771.jpgy nice to see new and old members turn up to our show, Given the recent Covid 19 scare in Perth and the Recent Bushfires that wreaked havoc for some in our northern regions. Numbers were down but we were determined to put a show on and hopefully everyone had a lovely day…

It was laid back day classes starting at 9am and pretty much finished by 1pm. Just in time for our judges and stewards to have their lunch.

A big thanks to Eileen Morris (Gem Park Stud) for Judging and allowing Mrs. Carman Sampson to Shadow Judge with her and our Steward and Marshall Jenine Fawcett.

Also Our Sponsors.

  • BerryBank Stud
  • Priory Stud (Jade O Brien)
  • Foxwood Farrier Services
  • Poseiden Equine Products (Shannara Beresi)

We Would also like to Thank The WPCS WA Committee to whom we Shared the grounds with.

Photo: Supreme Ridden Melody Park Heir Apparent  Aussie Platinum Photography

Click here to view more photos and results

Foal Show: We are hoping to run a foal show in May, details to come soon.

NSW Committee News

New South Wales has been able to continue showing throughout the Summer months and it has been great to have some normality.

The Committee has put together another opportunity for Riding Ponies to get out and about in the form of a specialty Riding Pony ring at the upcoming Minto Show.Date is Sunday 14 March, with our ring having a staggered start once bulk of Minto classes are complete. Two Shows in one day at one venue!!! Entries are via Nominate under the “Minto Show” and will include youngstock through to Overheights.  A fabulous time to get all the ponies out before Sydney Royal whilst they are in beautiful coat. Our judge on the day is Mr Greg Shepherd, and we thank him for volunteering his day for us.  It is hoped that members will support this initiative of the committee and come along.

Best wishes to members who are competing at the forthcoming Southern Cross Showhorse Spectacular and Grand National! Enjoy your lovely animals and enjoy seeing friends once again.

QLD Committee News

Shows and events are up and running again in Qld, and the calendar is filling up with hack shows and ag shows giving out competitors plenty to do.

The RPSBS Qld Committee will run the annual State Show on 14 March 2021 at Burpengary Equestrian Centre 350 Rowley Rd., Burpengary starting at 8:00am.

The judges for the 2021 Qld state riding pony show Lia Blackett SA  and Margret Fricker SA. The Riding Pony breed classes in Rings 1 and 2 feature RPSBS registered led youngstock, senior ponies and overheight horses, ridden Show and Show Hunter Ponies and Show/ Show Hunter Hacks exc. 14.2hh, Newcomer and Home Produced Riding Ponies and Overheights and Double Registered classes.

The Newcomer Sweepstakes finals will be held for Show, Show Hunter and Overheights that hold 2019/20

Newcomer Cards at this event along with newcomer classes for ponies that hold 2020/21 Newcomer Cards.

The Toowoomba Royal Show will be run from Friday 16 April until Sunday 18 April 2021. The Horse Section of the Toowoomba Royal Show will be significantly reduced due to the COVID restrictions placed upon the RASQ by the Queensland Government and Queensland Health.

Friday will include The Riding Pony program and include classes for Riding Pony Show Pony, Riding Pony Show Hunter and Overheight RPSBS.

Saturday will feature the Children Rider Classes, Adult Rider Classes, Novice and Open Pony Hacks, Novice and Open Galloway Hacks, Novice and Open Hacks and Sunday Novice and Open Show Hunter Pony, Novice and Open Show Hunter Galloway, Novice and Open Show Hunter Horse.

While entries for these events are closed  Sponsorships is still being taken and would be greatly appreciated. If you have entered why not come along and have a look at some of the lovely horses on show

Stay tuned to the Qld RPSBS website and Facebook for updates and news on what’s happening in Qld.

TAS Committee News

2557829.jpgThe Tasmanian Riding Pony Show was held on Saturday 13th February. The judge in attendance was Bernadette Warren. The RPSBS of Tasmania would like to congratulate all members who attended the show. Some of the major award winners were as follows;

•Simonn Mansley and Tiana Shiloah took out the SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN EXHIBIT – Receiving the ‘Fairfield Ballerina’ perpetual trophy and momento donated by Fairfield Stud. (Pictured below)

•Jess and Anne Campbell’s Melody Park Kingdom of Heaven took out the SUPREME CHAMPION LED SHOW pony – receiving the perpetual trophy donated by Kaylee Lodge Stud.

•Lynda Anderton’s Anderton Park Annabella took out the SUPREME LED SHOW HUNTER EXHIBIT – Receiving the perpetual trophy donated by Home Vale Stud and was Champion Ridden Show (Pictured right)

•Jess and Anne Campbell’s Bayview Gold Class took out the Champion Ridden Overheight Exhibit.

Thank you to all members who came and supported the show.


Vale Penny Woods

2557821.jpgThe Tasmanian Riding Pony Committee acknowledge the recent passing of Penny Woods. The committee, alongside all members, offer our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of Penny.

Penny was an outstanding and successful competitor and was always there to help anyone out. Her smile, kind words and support never went unnoticed.

She will be greatly missed.