From the Board
January Board Meeting: On Wednesday 13th January, 2021 a RPSBS Ltd. Board of Directors meeting was held via teleconference.
Due to the ever changing and unpredictable COVID-19 restrictions the Board has reluctantly agreed that the next meeting being held on Wednesday 17th March will be conducted via videoconference commencing 9.30am eastern summer time. Members are reminded that that any material they wish to be presented at the Board meeting must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting so it can be included in the Board papers. If an urgent issue arises after that date and does not require the Directors to research the topic then a late item can be accepted up to four (4) days prior to the meeting.
RPSBS Judges: The Society has been attempting for six months to conduct an audit of RPSBS Panel Judges to ensure that contact details and seminar attendances are up to date. In spite of numerous emails, we are still waiting for some judges to completed the audit. The Society does not want to be removing experienced judges from the list. Those judges who were unfinancial as at the end of November have been removed from the list. If they wish to be reinstated onto the Panel they will need to become financial and email the Judge Membership renewal and audit forms to These forms can be downloaded at
Judges Selection: All members are reminded that under RPSBS Ltd. rules a random selection process is used for the selection of all judges for events being run by RPSBS state committees.
Registration Rule Changes: The most important function of RPSBS Ltd. is the maintenance of a Studbook. The Directors aim is to have every Riding Pony being bred in Australia included in the studbook.
Since there are now numerous non Riding Pony breeders using Riding Pony stallions, the following motion was passed at the January meeting to enable these animals to be registered without the owners having to become financial members of the Society:
“That the Regulations be amended to read – Membership is required in order to register, transfer or lease Section A breeding stock but other animals can be registered, transferred or leased without a membership requirement. Membership is needed in order to show in any RPSBS classes at an event being run under RPSBS Ltd. rules. Transactions for non-members will incur a $40 surcharge per transaction.”
It has been brought to attention of the Board that here have been a number of incidences in which animals have been registered as geldings that were not gelded at the time and then sold/transferred while still entire. The following motion has been passed:
“That a penalty of up to $1,000 be applied if a registration application is submitted with false or misleading information.”
Members are reminded to check their paperwork carefully before submitting to the National Office. There are still far too many incomplete forms being submitted with many having to be returned for a second time.
“A $20 send back fee will be imposed for any paperwork that has to be returned a second time to the member for correction.”
Notes from the National Office: A reminder that the RPSBS Ltd landline 02 4577 5530 is manned daily from 11am to 4 pm eastern summer time each working day. For all registration and membership inquiries please email:
For communications to the Board of Directors please email:
The office is still getting a lot of calls and emails for things that members could find on the website. Breeding and ownership of horses, owner contact details etc as well as forms and fees. Members are asked to please check the RPSBS Ltd. website first and then the office when they can’t find what they are looking for? The web site is an up-to-date comprehensive source of information and forms.
The usual reminder to please don’t deposit money without sending paperwork. Members requesting transactions to be processed at short notice will be charged a priority processing fee.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 17th March 2021 commencing 9.30am Eastern Summer Time. Any submissions to the Board are required by 3rd March.
Upcoming Events
Remember the exhibitor, rider and handler all need to be current members to compete.
7th February – SA SA Welsh and Riding Pony Youngstock Show
13th February – TAS TAS State Riding Pony Show
13th February – VIC Victorian Riding Pony Summer Festival
21st February – WA RPSBS WA Youngstock Show & Working Hunter
20-21st March – QLD State Riding Pony of the Year Show
WA Committee News
We are holding a youngstock show on the 21st of February at Perth horse and pony grounds. Led Youngstock classes. Ridden and child riding classes.. also whp classes..
Judge is Mrs Peta Gallagher.
Program available in the coming days online
QLD Committee News
HAPPY NEW YEAR…… Let’s hope 2021 will be a better year for the Northern NSW and Qld Horse Industry and for that matter the rest of Australia. 2020 saw a large number of our Equestrian industries doing it tough and many of our regular events cancelled due to COVID 19
Planning for 2021 events in well under way though they may be reduced in size and impacted by COVID 19 restrictions.
The Toowoomba Royal Show will be run from Friday 16 April until Sunday 18 April 2021. The Horse Section of the Toowoomba Royal Show will be significantly reduced due to the COVID restrictions placed upon the RASQ by the Queensland Government and Queensland Health.
Friday will include The Riding Pony program and include classes for Riding Pony Show Pony, Riding Pony Show Hunter and Overheight RPSBS.
Saturday will feature the Children Rider Classes, Adult Rider Classes, Novice and Open Pony Hacks, Novice and Open Galloway Hacks, Novice and Open Hacks and Sunday Novice and Open Show Hunter Pony, Novice and Open Show Hunter Galloway, Novice and Open Show Hunter Horse.
The 2021 Toowoomba Royal Show Schedule is currently being processed and uploaded to Showday and will be available by the end of next week.
Planning has started for the Qld State Riding pony show which is proposed to be held at Burpengary over the weekend of March 20-21. Stay tuned we will have confirmed date venue and details soon on the Qld RPSPS website and Facebook.
NSW Committee News
Well here we are, it’s 2021 at last! Although it seems that not a lot is changing in a hurry. But we can’t stop looking forward to a brighter future, so this newsletter we are focused on two of our top producing studs here in New South Wales, where some new stars may just be waiting………
Royalwood Stud, Wilberforce NSW
Royalwood Stud once again had our resident boys standing – Royalwood Boy Soprano and Tuscany Royal Jubilee. There have been some beautiful stock hit the ground all over the Country by both stallions. It is always so exciting to hear of the safe arrivals and see the pics of the little cuties.
Equally exciting has been the continued success of Boy Soprano’s progeny at the highest level again this year. We are so proud to continually see his babies out and about, winning and being loved by their owners and producers. I can’t mention them all here, but rest assured each and every one of them brings us great joy and pride.
Our only foal this year is an exceptional filly from the beautiful Royalwood Chorus of Love, by Kensington Royal Red and Blue. Just one foal, but she is lovely and we are thrilled with her.
Both of our resident broodmares, Royalwood Merry Music and Royalwood Songstress, have both returned positive tests to Tuscany Royal Jubilee. Both of these crosses have worked beautifully in the past, so we are eager for these babies. If 2021 is anything like 2020, we will be foaling down before we know it! Best wishes for a successful and healthy 2021!
Jo and Ian Prestwidge
Carlingford Park
Having decided early in the season not to stand our stallion Royalwood Rossini commercially via chilled and natural service it’s been a relaxed breeding season for us at Carlingford Park. We have 3 of our own mares confirmed in foal to Rossini – CP Indulgence, CP Double Take and Kolbeach Chanting along with a number of outside mares via frozen semen.
We welcomed two very promising foals, a stunning filly by Rossini from our large galloway mare Carlingford Park Double Take who will be retained. We also foaled down an exciting colt foal from Kolbeach Chanting x Royalwood Boy Soprano for Penelope Cobbold. This cracking youngster, who I’m confident will follow the successful career paths of his full siblings Hibrie Sugar Plum, Royalwood Enchanting and Royalwood Choir Master, is offered for sale.
On the showing front like many we’ve experienced a very low key year only getting out to a few shows in 2020. As we head into another year of Covid uncertainty we can only hope more events will proceed and we’ll all get to enjoy showing together again. With CP Seville and CP Sophia Loren due to head to the breaker in the first half of the year and youngsters to handle we still have much to fill our time.
Here’s hoping 2021 is kinder to all.
Cheers, Elizabeth Tomlinson