From the Board
To all New South Wales members: Nominations are being called for election to the RPSBS Ltd. New South Wales committee. Nominations close at 4.00pm Friday 11th September. Eligibility for nomination is on the nomination form. The nomination form can be downloaded at
Judges’ Audit: A reminder to any RPSBS Ltd. Panel Judges that are yet to complete a Judges’ Audit form, and wish to remain on the panel, please complete the audit form asap as it was due by the end of August and return to the National Office as a matter of some urgency This form can be found at
Paperwork: Another reminder to check your paperwork thoroughly before sending it to the office. Incomplete paperwork does cost the Society.
Some of problems with registration paperwork that have been identified are:
1. Not signing the declaration on the 2nd page.
2. Not advising there are no markings, page just left blank.
3. Not including the service certificate.
4. Transferring money to the Society without identifying who has made the transfer.
5. Forgetting to put the expiry date when authorising a credit card payment.
Member Information: It is imperative for the efficient management of the Society that members keep their contact details up to date. I urge all members to check their details at
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing restrictions and uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the next Board Meeting will again have to be via videoconference. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 commencing 9.30am EST.
RPSBS Publicity
2020 RPSBS Annual
Thank you for the positive response we have received from the 2020 Annual. The Annual is now available to view here:
RPSBS Online Shop
We have now made available the current annual hard copies and past annuals we have in stock available to purchase via our online store using paypal.
2021 RPSBS Annual
We are already looking ahead to 2021. If you are a current member and have an interesting story to share please email
Expect delays with chilled semen at airports
Dr Angus McKinnon, long standing Equine Veterinary Association (EVA) member from Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital(GVEH) has prepared the below notice to assist EVA members during this challenging time in relation to chilled semen and has given permission for this short article to be reproduced by the RPSBS.
There are a lot of challenges in regards to transport during COVID-19 restrictions particularly in the southern states. Transport details are changing rapidly and almost daily. The issues with chilled transported semen will be related to semen longevity and transport restrictions. Currently many regional airports are operating with drastically reduced flights. Regions which had multiple flights a day now only have a few a week. We expect there will be many mares bred this season (at least early in the season) with semen that is more than 24 hours old from collection. As well it is expected that many mares will have ovulated by the time semen arrives and often times semen delivery may just not happen.
Some thoughts in relation to transported semen this season are:
1. Can frozen semen be used instead?
a) Easier to transport as a single shipment.
b) That way semen is always ready for breeding.
c) Consider paying dangerous goods fees and use liquid containers rather than vapor shippers that have only a 7 day reserve .
d) Pregnancy rates may be decreased depending on how well the stallion handled the freezing and how well mare management is able to be performed. (i.e. low does versus conventional and owner/geographical/facility limitations)
2. Chilled semen. Has the stallion been tested? We routinely test chilled semen in at least 3 extenders. Semen needs to be analysed at 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours. It should be evaluated at 5 and 30 min (held at 37OC) after dilution with extender at each time interval.
3. It will be more important than ever to maintain at dilution of at least 1:3 semen to extender ration and a final progressive motility concentration of 25 million PMS per ml.
4. At our facility (GVEH) it is more than likely that semen will be collected in the evening and then held for early departure (6.00am) the following day.
5. Can a more local stallion be used as a substitute? Especially if the stallion has issues related to chilling well. Using local semen may be considered the best option for this breeding season.
6. Communications between mare managers and stallion managers and couriers will assume an even more important role this year. There will be little room for late calls for emergency semen collection. It is extremely important to have a realistic transport plan in place and to plan this early to allow sufficient time. It is important that stallion managers have the chilled semen ready for dispatch.
VIC Committee News
Victoria continues to be a state of emergency. For many of us on farms and with livestock we are fortunate that with spring brings fresh beginnings. Hopefully our member base is enjoying the thrills of impending foaling, planning breeding’s, sorting out the garden or just spring cleaning, watching our gorgeous ponies transform and blossom with summer coats.
Your committee is constantly working away in the background. We have put our registration of interest in to the governing bodies for the Summer Breeds show (and subsequently our RPOTY) and Barastoc (our Summer RPSB Festival) with the hope that these shows go ahead.
We are in the midst of formulating another edition of Rosette our E – Newsletter. At the present state we will do this Bi Monthly. Currently we are looking for youngstock photos, any stock foaled in 2018, 2017 and 2016 will be eligible. Photo can be up to 12months old. Photo can be at home, out in the show ring, with ribbons without ribbons, any shape or form is fine. Please email me on All ponies to be registered and owner to be a member. Please include registered name, sire, dam, year of foaling, height, owner/breeder. Everyone is welcome to send two ponies, highlighting which is your number preference should I get too many.
NSW Committee News
Spring at last! And our gorgeous Riding Ponies are about to reveal themselves again from under their winter woolies. Always an exciting time too for those expecting foals. Best wishes to all our NSW members for safe and healthy arrivals.
Here in New South Wales we have been lucky to be able to attend a couple of shows, although very limited. Looking ahead we are very excited to say that our NSW Riding Pony Show for 2020 is in the planning stages!! This is super-exciting news for our members who are busting to get their Show Ponies out. Once again the Show will be held at the Windsor Polo Fields, Windsor. The date set is Sunday 15th November. Anyone in attendance last year will tell you that it was a fabulous show. Friendly, relaxed, and quiet on beautiful grounds. The committee do a great job sourcing sponsorship and put together a really lovely day. So please mark this in your calendars and keep an eye out for entry details which will be out in the coming weeks.
For those members with Newcomers, please don’t forget to register for this years sweepstakes. All details and forms are found on the RPSBS website. At this stage a determination on the Newcomers 2020 situation has not yet been made and will be decided upon soon.
With the current issues with travelling in Australia at the moment, restrictions and restraints, maybe this year is the year to use one of the brilliant stallions situated in New South Wales. We have a wealth of beautiful bloodlines available to us here, so if you are planning on putting your mares in foal please consider “buying local”.
Don’t forget that all memberships are now due. It is membership that keep our societies viable and able to continue to provide members with opportunities to show as well as a number of other services. Without them our horse world doesn’t exist. Please support the RPSBS by renewing.
Best of luck to our members competing at the up-coming ENSW Horse of the Year, Pacific Coast Hack Championships and the Show Horse Council Horse of the Year. Big events with Riding Ponies always well represented in all categories. Have fun and enjoy!
If you require and forms or information they can be found on the RPSBS website.
Stay safe and enjoy the “visions splendid” of your beautiful Riding Ponies.