Due to Covid-19 restrictions the 2020 State Annual Meeting for RPSBS Ltd. Queensland that was to be held at the Beenleigh Bowls Club, Hanover Street, Beenleigh at 7.00 pm Monday 11th May, 2020 has been cancelled.
As per the directions from the Board of Directors, all state annual reports, 2019 minutes and the audited 2020 financial report will be posted on this web site by 24th May, 2020.
With 2 vacancies on the committee and only two nominations, Kristen Bates- Taunton and Michael Smith have been re-elected for the next three years.
There will be no new election of office bearers until such time as the restrictions allow face-to-face meetings and a venue becomes available.
The recipient of the Queensland high point leaderboard award for 2020 is Paula and Charlie Anthony’s ridden overheight exhibit, Tremayne Royal Opera.