2020 July Bulletin

From the Board

RPSBS Ltd. Annual General Meeting: Due to the COVID – 19 pandemic, government restrictions and social distancing, the RPSBS Ltd Board of Directors conducted the Annual General Meeting of Members for 2020 via video conference.  For a report on the AGM, all reports, the presentation and draft minutes of the meeting go to https://www.rpsbs.com.au/2020-rpsbsltd-agm/

Board Elections: Following the AGM each year the Board holds an election meeting to elect the Board of Directors’ Chair and Vice Chair for the following year. Michael Smith was re-elected as Chair and Robert Cockram as Vice Chair.

The Board’s working committees for the year 2020 – 2021 are as follows:

Policy Committee: Kathryn Thomas (Chair), Tania Hay, Michael Smith;

Editing Committee:  Dr Andrew Hunt (Chair), Robert Cockram, Helen Dohan;

Judge Committee: Michael Smith (Chair), Robert Cockram, Sandra James.

Judges’ Audit: All RPSBS Ltd. Panel Judges are required to complete a Judges’ Audit form and return to the National Office before the end of August, 2020. This form can be found at https://www.rpsbs.com.au/judges/judges-scheme-forms/

Election of Victoria State Committee: A ballot was required for The Victorian RPSBS Ltd State Committee and that ballot closed on Thursday 12th June 2020 with the announcement of the newly elected committee members made on Friday 13th June. One hundred valid votes were received from the 320 eligible voting Victorian members. For the report on the results of the election go to https://www.rpsbs.com.au/2020-2021-victorian-rpsbs-ltd-state-committee-election-report/

2020 Riding Pony Annuals will be posted to members during August. Many thanks from the Board to Despina Mitrakas of Show Pony Graphics our editor and production designer, to the advertisers, sponsors, article writers, state publicity officers and members who submitted material.

Member Renewals: All membership renewal notices have been sent to members.  Members are encouraged to use the online facility to renew their memberships. This is available by logging onto the Studbook at https://www.sammsonline.com/rpsb/login/login.cfm?calledby=/rpsb/studbook.cfm using your membership number.  Once logged on press the Home key at the top left corner to take you to the Renew Membership option.

Please contact the office if you have not received a membership renewal notice.

Leader Board Competition:  An announcement will be made after the September Board Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 commencing 9.00am EST.  Deadline for submissions to the Board and all reports are due by 4.00pm Monday 31st August 2020.

Reminder Notices repeated from the June Bulletin

RPSBS Activities: With the restrictions being eased, Clinics, Seminars or Shows with strictly enforced limits on the number of competitors and helpers can now be held provided a state committee member is elected as Safety Officer whose duty includes ensuring all current COVID-19 safety protocols are fully implemented and that social distancing is enforced for the entire event.

Member Details: Would all members please check their details on the Studbook.  It is with regret that we have some members that we have not been able to contact. To check your details click on the following link : https://www.sammsonline.com/rpsb/studbook.cfm

All RPSBS State Committees are requested to monitor the restriction in their individual states so that meetings can be convened as soon as possible to prepare for their events and, for those states yet to do so, to elect their office bearers for 2020 – 2021.

2020 RPSBS Annual

Thank you to all the members that contributed to the 2020 Annual. The Annual should arrive in your mailboxes by the middle of August.

SA Committee News

Recently the SA Committee has had two resignations. Liz Francis and Alyson Emery.
The committee thanks them for their contributions to the South Australian Committee over the years.

VIC Committee News

As we all continue to navigate the uncharted waters of COVID-19 your committee continues to strive to keep our members informed. We recently sent out an edition of rosette, shortly we will be sending out a foal gallery. We invite members to send in photos of last seasons foals for inclusion.

We have had our election and appointment of office bearers. The first time our voting process has embraced new technology and I’m sure everyone agrees that it was seamless and efficient.

Paul Dunstan of Malibu Stud joins us on committee and we look forward to his input and experience. Office bearer positions remain the same with Robert Cockram as Chair and Diane Jose as Vice Chair.