2020 January Newsletter

From the Board

  • The ongoing drought and devastating bushfires have affected so many of our members. We, as all other breed societies, are committed to assisting our members.  Replacement papers will be issued without any cost to any members whose paperwork has been destroyed in the fires.  Payment plans can be arranged for members temporarily unable to meet the costs of memberships, transfers, registrations etc.    Members are asked to contact the office for any assistance. Members can be assured that any any requests for assistance will be treated in strictest confidence.
  •  Some members have questioned the cut off date for the Leaderboard Competition. That date was selected as the last possible date before the State Annual Meetings for the final computations to be made and trophies engraved so that the winners can be announced before the State Annual Meetings. Trophies will be available for presentation at the State Meetings.
  • The Board has been very aware of the difficulty members in the smaller states have in obtaining leaderboard points. A $200 cash prize will be awarded to the highest points getter in each state.
  • The next Board meeting will be on April 1. The cutoff date for submissions to that meeting is Monday 16th February. Traditionally this meeting reviews the Showing Rules, Registration Rules and approves the Scale of Fees for 2020-21. The State Annual Meetings are held in May and the AGM for RPSBS Ltd. is being held at the Holiday Inn, Sydney Airport on Saturday 28th June at 4.00pm to be followed by a members’ forum.
  • For WA members: WA Members of the Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd are invited to attend the Special Meeting of WA members for the purpose of electing a WA State Committee of the RPSBS Ltd. on Wednesday 26th February, 2020 commencing 7.30 pm with registrations from 7.00 pm
    Venue: Dome Café , 237 Knutsford Avenue, Cloverdale.
    For nomination and proxy forms visit the WA page https://www.rpsbs.com.au/notice-of-general-meeting-wa/

2019 – 2020 National Annual High Point Awards

NEW: The highest total pointsgetter in each state will be awarded $200.00 See the website for more information.

Support the initiative that supports our members!

  • We have changed sponsorship to make it even more affordable than ever with sponsorship starting at $60.00 This is a super opportunity to promote your business on the RPSBS Social Media Accounts, in magazines such as Horse Deals, in our newsletters and on our website!  Email publicity@rpsbs.com.au for a media kit.
  • Big welcome to Duncan Equine Group for their support. They are currently running a competition to WIN a Horserail Arena. Enter Here: https://duncanequine.com.au/arena-makeover/

Please Support our Sponsors
Barastoc Horse
Supreme Horseware www.supremehorseware.com.au
Duncan Equine Group www.duncanequine.com.au
Hufglocken www.hufglocken.com

  • PLEASE ensure you read the rules before entering. This will help also avoid you spending more time than you need to on entries.
  • Due to the large amount of entries we are getting, we cannot contact each one of you when you submit entries incorrectly.
  • Only ONE result counts per a show (so your highest result) per a leaderboard. So your best ridden, and best led result for instance.
  • The Junior Rider / Handler Leaderboard is specifically for Junior RIDER classes or HANDLER classes, only these class types count for these new leaderboards.

If you have any questions before submitting your results please email publicity@rpsbs.com.au

2020 Upcoming Events

19th January  – VIC 2020 Equinade RPSBS Youngstock and Performance Show

8th February – VIC 2020 Equinade RPSBS Summer Festival

26th February – WA General Meeting

14th March  – TAS 2020 Tasmanian Riding Pony of the Year Show NEW DATE

15th March – QLD 2020 RPSBS Qld State Show

24th March – QLD Champion of Champions Final @ Toowoomba Royal

TAS Committee News

Dear Members, we are pleased to announce the date for the postponed show will be 14th March 2020 at the Westbury Showground.

Mr Graham Elliott is still able to attend as our judge.

Entries are now reopened and will close strictly the 6th March 2020. Strictly no late entries.

The schedule is available on the rpsbs website.

Kind regards

Tasmanian Riding Pony Committee

VIC Committee News

December was a busy time for many reasons. Unfortunately it was a time of much grief for many in Victoria and our neighbouring state NSW with the disastrous fires. Our thoughts are with all those affected at this trying time. As far as show news is concerned.

Last Saturday the 11th of January we held the Equinade RPOTY show at WPEC in conjunction with the EV Summer show.  Great entries and a wonderful day was had.

Thanks to all competitors for turning up, our two lovely judges Helen Moore (WA) and Susan Gorst (Vic), our stewards, Sponsors, helpers, committee members combined ran a smooth event.

Winners of our 5 Supremes. 

Chippenham Stud Supreme In Hand Junior Riding Pony: Whitmere Cosmopolitan: Telford & Gerry

Walsh Family Supreme In Hand Senior Riding Pony: Uhavta Naughty ‘N’ Nice: Uhavta Stud

Silkwood Stud Supreme In Hand RPSB Show Hack or Show Hunter: Elmdale Park Hightime: Rebecca Gerber

Uhavta Stud Supreme Ridden RPSB Show Hack or Show Hunter: Beaumont King of Kings: Trudy Kelly

Amy Stewart Memorial Supreme Ridden Riding Pony: Daisy Patch Soul Star: Lyn Warburton

This coming weekend Sunday 19th of January at Akoonah Park Berwick we are running the Equinade Riding Pony Youngstock & Ridden Show. Extensive youngstock in hand classes. Great opportunity for newcomers and open ponies to compete under saddle in a stress free environment. This is the first time we have run ridden classes at this show so please support us.

Next month it’s the Equinade RPSBS Vic Summer Festival held in conjunction with Barastoc on the 8th of February. 

VIC Committee News

December was a busy time for many reasons. Unfortunately it was a time of much grief for many in Victoria and our neighbouring state NSW with the disastrous fires. Our thoughts are with all those affected at this trying time. As far as show news is concerned.

Last Saturday the 11th of January we held the Equinade RPOTY show at WPEC in conjunction with the EV Summer show.  Great entries and a wonderful day was had.

Thanks to all competitors for turning up, our two lovely judges Helen Moore (WA) and Susan Gorst (Vic), our stewards, Sponsors, helpers, committee members combined ran a smooth event.

Winners of our 5 Supremes. 

Chippenham Stud Supreme In Hand Junior Riding Pony: Whitmere Cosmopolitan: Telford & Gerry

Walsh Family Supreme In Hand Senior Riding Pony: Uhavta Naughty ‘N’ Nice: Uhavta Stud

Silkwood Stud Supreme In Hand RPSB Show Hack or Show Hunter: Elmdale Park Hightime: Rebecca Gerber

Uhavta Stud Supreme Ridden RPSB Show Hack or Show Hunter: Beaumont King of Kings: Trudy Kelly

Amy Stewart Memorial Supreme Ridden Riding Pony: Daisy Patch Soul Star: Lyn Warburton

This coming weekend Sunday 19th of January at Akoonah Park Berwick we are running the Equinade Riding Pony Youngstock & Ridden Show. Extensive youngstock in hand classes. Great opportunity for newcomers and open ponies to compete under saddle in a stress free environment. This is the first time we have run ridden classes at this show so please support us.

Next month it’s the Equinade RPSBS Vic Summer Festival held in conjunction with Barastoc on the 8th of February. 

QLD Committee News

The RPSBS Qld committee have listened to its members and for 2020 will run the annual State Show with an even bigger and better program at a new venue.

The March date was popular last year so we will run this event on 15 March 2020 at the Jimboomba Equestrian Centre, 239 Greenridge Road, Jimboomba starting at 8:00am. These grounds have undergone many improvements and now offer an indoor arena, ample parking, work areas and safe day yards.

As the 2019 state show was held prior to the end of the 2018 – 2019 newcomer year the 2018 – 2019 newcomer final will be held at this years show along with classes for the 2019-2020 newcomer ponies.

March will be a busy time for RPSBS Qld as it will also see the Champion of Champions final to be held in conjunction with Toowoomba Royal on Tuesday 24th March.

This event is like the Grand National State final for registered riding ponies offering rugs, trophies and prize money in each division for Show and Show Hunter Leading Rein, First Ridden, Open 12.2, 13.2, 14.2, and Overheights plus the final of the Young Judges Competition.

The qualifying performance required for entry to the Champion of Champions is 1st and 2nd in Ridden RPSBS breed classes at RPSBS breed shows, open saddle classes at Royal Shows, open classes at Equestrian Australia and Show Horse Council Shows that are qualifiers for National Events and winners of RPSBS Breed classes at any recognised show.

Qualifications for the Young Judges’ Final is a 1st ,2nd or 3rd in any RPSBS Young judges competition in 2019. Champion of Champions final entries will be with your Toowoomba royal entries and close date of entries as per 2020 RASQ Horse Schedule. Full details of all performance requirements are on the Qld Riding Pony web site www.rpsbs.com.au/qld