2019 March Newsletter

From the Board

State Annual AGMs
The dates of the State Annual Meetings have been posted on the states’ websites together with the Nomination Form for election to State Committees.  All RPSBS members that have full voting rights in that state from prior to January 31st 2019 are eligible to nominate for their State Committee.  Members are asked to seriously consider joining their committee and help promote our beautiful Riding Ponies.  Nominations open on March 31 and close on April 20.

For full details please go to: https://www.rpsbs.com.au/the-society/policies-procedures/

Youngstock Registrations
Members are remaindered to get their youngstock registrations into the office by July 31 by  post or email. The original registration certificate is still needed to process a transfer but email is fine for all other things.  Again a reminder to please do not post and email paperwork with credit card details on both as you risk cc details being used twice.

RPSBS Ltd Annual AGM
The 2019 RPSBS Ltd. AGM is being in WA on June 15.  A Riding Pony Judges’ Seminar will be held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting and Forum of Members as was conducted in Adelaide in 2018..   This will be the first AGM to be held in WA. The Directors are looking forward to meeting as many of our WA members as possible.

The next meeting of the Board will be Monday March 25th and the Annual General Meeting is being held in Western Australia on Saturday 8th June.

2019 RPSBS Australian Performance Horse Magazine National Annual High Point Awards 

Congratulations to this months current leaders, remember anything can change.. make sure you submit your results!

Essential Equine Nutrition Ridden Show / Hunter Pony:
Nicole Riemer Whitmere Airs and Graces

Horse Deals Ridden Overheight Show / Hunter Hack:
Kerri Jacobs and Beauparc Dreams

Ridden Performance Pony: Leanne Moore Sheldene Benallen

Olympus Feeds Led Show / Hunter Pony:
Gracie Humphreys & Karlana Spring Chatter​

Led Youngstock Pony (3 years & under):
Nicole Riemer & Riegal Secret Love

Led Overheight Show / Hunter Hack:
Carly Summerhill and Accacia Park Pina Colada

RPSBS Annual

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: 10% OFF If booked & paid in full before Friday 29th March, 2019

Only a few weeks left for this special!

2019 Advertising Media Kit
Our advertising packages for the 2019 Annual have stayed the same. Please make sure you take advantage of the early bird booking discount!

Many members asked how to get their stallion shared on facebook, this is part of the stallion listing in the annual, so if you want your stallion promoted, make sure you submit your listing.

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: 10% OFF If booked & paid in full before Friday 29th March, 2019

2019 Upcoming Events

REMEMBER Competing at RPSBS State Committee Events means you gain the MOST points, and more chances to win in our Leaderboard.

9th March QLD State Riding Pony Show Click Here

11th May VIC Equinade Riding Pony Foal Show Click Here

Each State Annual General Meeting how has been listed. Make sure you mark your state’s AGM in your calendar. CLICK HERE TO VIEW DATES.

VIC Committee News

February saw the Victorian committee host the Equinade Summer Festival at Barastoc Horse of the Year 50th Anniversary Show. The grounds looked splendid and well supported by horse enthusiasts across the board. The weather gods got rather wild and woolly at times, there was some concern our dear marquee ( and occupants) could take to the skies like Dorothy and Toto.

Beverley Moore from the Uk presided over the judging and she was a true delight.
Again classes were well supported.
Our supremes were as follows.

  • Supreme Champion In Hand Riding Pony – Riegal Secret Love.
  • Supreme Champion In Hand RPSB Show Hack/Show Hunter – Double TT Dream Girl
  • Supreme Champion Ridden Riding Pony – Class Orlando Bloom
  • Supreme Champion Ridden RPSB Show Hack/Show Hunter – Double TT Dream Girl

Thank you to our volunteers, stewards and ringmasters alike who enabled our ring to proceed.

Looking forward. Nominations open on the 31st of March to join committee. Committee forms can be found on our website and nominations close 4pm on the 20th of April.

The Equinade 2019 Vic Riding Pony Foal Show will be held on the 11th of May at Tatura Park.

Our Victorian AGM will be on the 25th of May, details will be released shortly.

QLD Committee News

Riding Pony Qld is looking forward to their annual state championship show planned for March 9th to be held at Southport Pony Club Grounds.

Entries for the Riding Pony Show have now closed but this year  the show will include an open ring and entry for these classes will be excepted on the day.

The open ring offer classes for newcomer, novice open and child’s events for both Open and Show Hunter horses in Pony, Galloway and Hack divisions plus rider classes catering from lead line to adult

The Open ring has a 9.30am start – Entry Fee $5.00 per class and entry is on the day.

TAS Committee News

Riding Ponies in Tasmania are continued to be well supported at local breed and agricultural shows throughout the state. The Riding Pony committee have continued their sponsorship of additional rosettes for Riding Ponies at local agricultural and breed shows.

It is great to see Riding Ponies being well supported at these shows with an increase in numbers in various sections. The Riding Pony Tas committee would like to wish competitors heading to Sydney later this month to compete at the Grand National Championships and also the National Riding Pony of the Year Show the best of luck. Some Riding Pony members have expressed interest in staying on to compete at the Southern Stars Show and Sydney Royal.

It is great to see so many Riding Ponies from Tasmania being showcased on the mainland and competing at such prestigious events. Safe travels and happy riding!