2019 February Newsletter

From the Board

Judges Policy
The annual review of the Judges’ Policy was conducted at the January meeting of the RPSBS Board. The updated Policy is on the RPSBS web site. Changes were of a minor nature most aimed at streamlining the process of reviewing Judge Applications.

Policy and Procedures Document
The Board is in the process of producing a comprehensive RPSBS Ltd. Policy and Procedures document. A draft copy of the document is available on our web site. Members are asked to use the feedback sheet available on the web site to provide feedback to the Board on any aspect of this document or any other matter of concern.
Members are asked to submit their feedback on the draft Policy & Procedures document to the National Office by the end of February.

Working Hunter Heights
The heights of the Working Hunter jumps were reviewed and have been brought into line
with those of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society. The most significant change has been the
removal of all minimum heights.

Please check the website for information and forms as all fees and forms can be found

Emailing Registrations.
Members are welcome to post or email registrations to the office. The original registration
certificate is still needed to process a transfer but email is fine for all other things. Please do not post and email paperwork with credit card details on both as you risk cc details being used twice.

The 2019 RPSBS Ltd. AGM is being in WA in June. RPSBS Ltd. is a National Society and the Board believes it is important for all members to have access to an AGM very few years. This will be the first AGM to be held in WA. The Directors are looking forward to meeting as many of our WA members as possible.

Foal Show Paperwork
With the Qld Riding Pony and Victorian Foal shows coming up members are reminded to get their foal and youngstock registrations into the National Office in plenty of time.

The next meeting of the Board will be Monday March 25th and the Annual General Meeting is being held in Western Australia on Saturday 8th June.

2019 RPSBS Australian Performance Horse Magazine National Annual High Point Awards 

Congratulations to this months current leaders, remember anything can change.. make sure you submit your results!

Essential Equine Nutrition Ridden Show / Hunter Pony:
Nicole Riemer Whitmere Airs and Graces

Horse Deals Ridden Overheight Show / Hunter Hack:
Ashleigh Shearer Dynasty Park Hot Chocolate

Ridden Performance Pony: Leanne Moore Sheldene Benallen

Olympus Feeds Led Show / Hunter Pony:
Gracie Humphreys & Karlana Spring Chatter​

Led Youngstock Pony (3 years & under):
Nicole Riemer & Riegal Secret Love

Led Overheight Show / Hunter Hack:
Amanda Phillips Karma Park Tom Collins

RPSBS Annual

Planning is well underway for the 2019 Annual

Big thank you to those members who have already sent us in photos. We will try and use as many as possible, however do remember advertisers get priority pick!

Please also note we will not be chasing photos, so if you do not send photos, you risk not being included!


We are starting to work on the 2019 Annual and we are on the lookout for photos to feature in the annual from our current members.

2019 Advertising Media Kit
Our advertising packages for the 2019 Annual have stayed the same. Please make sure you take advantage of the early bird booking discount!

Many members asked how to get their stallion shared on facebook, this is part of the stallion listing in the annual, so if you want your stallion promoted, make sure you submit your listing.

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: 10% OFF If booked & paid in full before Friday 29th March, 2019

2019 Upcoming Events

REMEMBER Competing at RPSBS State Committee Events means you gain the MOST points, and more chances to win in our Leaderboard.

9th Feb VIC Equinade Riding Pony Summer Festival Click Here

17th Feb WA Riding Pony All Breeds Show Click Here

9th March QLD State Riding Pony Show Click Here

11th May VIC Equinade Riding Pony Foal Show Click Here

Each State Annual General Meeting how has been listed. Make sure you mark your state’s AGM in your calendar. CLICK HERE TO VIEW DATES.

VIC Committee News

January was a great month for riding pony enthusiasts. 2019 really started with a bang.

The RPOTY which was held in conjunction with the Summer Horse Show was a real hit. So many classes were well supported. Sometimes as many as 9-10 ponies in a class. From all accounts the atmosphere was like ‘the good old days’. So congratulations members for being there with bells on.

Our Supreme winners were:

Piano Man winning the Silkwood Stud Supreme In-Hand RPSB Show Hack or Hunter (Edwina Cullen)

Beaumont King of Kings Uhavta Stud Supreme Ridden RPSB Show Hack Or Hunter (Trudy Kelly)

Riegal Secret Love winner of the Chippenham Stud Supreme Led Youngstock (Nicole Butcher)

Walsh Family Supreme In-Hand Senior Riding Pony Double TT On Fire owner (Jackie Loveday)

Harrington Park Symphony (Emma Richardson) claimed the Amy Stewart Memorial – Mandalay Stud Supreme Ridden Riding Pony

The following weekend we had the Equinade Riding Pony Youngstock show, judged by Sandra Donovan (Astral Stud) and held in conjunction with the GPRG Welsh Y/S & Performance show.

The quality of the ponies was exceptional. Competitors presented their youngsters superbly and our judge was very pleased with the animals she put forward for the supremes.

Supreme Youngstock was Manorvale Party Trick (Jodi Allen) a typey delightful colt who is all class and great to see in hand perfectionist Nathan Berril back on the end of the lead.

Supreme Open Breeds Youngstock was Lawlington Park Diamonds N Gold, owned by Vicki Pisciotta. Definitely a saddle star of the future.

This coming weekend is the Equinade Riding Pony Summer Festival held in conjunction with Barastoc HOTY at WPEC and entries are being taken on the day. Visit our website or Facebook page for further details.

All programs can be found on our website. www.rpsbs.com.au/vic/

QLD Committee News

The QUEENSLAND RPSBS Ltd 2019 STATE SHOW will be held at the Southport Pony Club Ned Twohill Lane, Southport.

Saturday March 9th, 2019 Start: 8.30am

Entries for Rings 1 & 2 are now open and close last mail 15th February, 2019


Featuring RPSBS Youngstock and Including Riding Pony Show and Hunter Hacks, Young Judges, Youth Ring, Overheight Show Hacks and Hunters, and Double Registered Riding Pony classes

Judges Ring 1: Led- Ms Karen Townsend (NSW); Ridden – Mrs Lindley Arnold-Wardle (Vic) Judges Ring 2: Led- Mrs Lindley Arnold-Wardle (Vic); Ridden – Ms Karen Townsend (NSW) Judge Ring 3: Ms Amanda Snelling (Qld)

Ring 3 entries on the day. For insurance purposes, Ring 3 Competitors must be either RPSBS, SHC or EA members. Animals in Ring 3 do not have to be RPSBS registered.

Online Entry Procedure  for Qld State Riding Pony Show for Rings 1 & 2 Entries Only is via the RPSBS website

Click on <STUDBOOK> in Menu bar
Click on <Login> on right hand side of black menu bar.
In the login box type your RPSBS membership number.
If you have used the login previously enter your password.
If you have not used the login option previously click on <New Password>.
Enter email as requested and click  <New Password>.
The Administrator of the online studbook system will email you a password.
To access the show schedule click on <Home> in the black menu bar after logging on.
In left hand box click <Shows>.
Click <Enter> on right side of <2019 Qld State Show> record.
Complete your entry details and send.
Click <Logout>.
If you encounter a problem entering the show,contact
RPSBSQ Secretary – Eleanor Gerry E: eandtgerry@gmail.com M: 0409 710 953
Show Secretary – Lorraine Currie via email: annandalestud@gmail.com

NSW Committee News

NSW Committee welcomed the New Year with our Judges Workshop held in conjunction with Show Horse Council on the Central Coast. It was fantastic to see the great turnout and the interest and accountability portrayed in those seeking to judge.

For those members further south in NSW another Judges workshop has been identified to cater for those members. We will advise as details come to hand.

The NSW Committee is excited to review our 2018 winners. If you have details of your riding ponies performing well across disciplines we would like to feature some on our promotions. Please contact Amanda at Willowcroft-stud@bigpond.com and provide a picture and details of your successes!

Plenty of Shows coming up as our session is now just getting underway after the Christmas hiatus, we will keep you posted of riding ponies out and about.

Follow the NSW Committee on facebook to keep updated.

TAS Committee News

It has been a busy start to the year for Riding Ponies in Tasmania. Our state show was held in early January and was well supported by members at the new venue of Longford Show Grounds.

Judge Raymond Butler from Victoria awarded the supreme ridden exhibit to Lyndhurst China Doll who has won this award on 3 occasions. The mare also took out supreme led exhibit. Supreme led hunter and champion ridden hunter went to Bevanlee Jive Talk. Overheight Riding Ponies were also well supported and numbers were up from previous years. We thank competitors for supporting the show and all the committee, volunteers and sponsors for making the event a success.