The RPSBS Ltd Annual General Meeting was held over the weekend and the Board wishes to thank those South Australian members, together with members from Victoria and Queensland who attended the meeting.
A members’ forum was held after the AGM. Topics discussed focussed on 2 areas, namely, sound governance and strategic planning. Highlighted was the problem facing our industry as a whole; ie declining memberships and registrations.
As this is the final of 8 annuals being produced together, a special presentation was made to Eleanor Gerry and Liz Francis from the Board on behalf of all RPSBS members to thank them for their many years of dedication to the annual production.
The 2019 AGM will be held on Saturday 15th June, 2019 in Western Australia. This will be the first RPSBS AGM ever held in Western Australia.
A RPSBS Judges’ Seminar presented by Mike Smith and Robert Cockram was held before the AGM for the benefit of the South Australian members. This seminar was videoed as part of a seminar package being produced that will enable RPSBS Judges who are unable to attend a seminar to apply to the National Office for a seminar package which when successfully completed and returned will count as a seminar attendance. RPSBS Judges must attend a judges’ seminar once in any 3 year period.