2018 June Members Bulletin

  1. The Annual General Meeting of Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd. was held at 4.00pm Saturday 16th June, 2018 at the Comfort Inn Motel, Haven Marina, Glenelg North, South Australia.  The Board wishes to thank those South Australian members, together with members from Victoria and Queensland who attended the meeting.

    As this is the final of 8 Annuals being produced together, a special presentation was made to Eleanor Gerry and Liz Francis from the Board on behalf of all RPSBS members to thank them for their many years of dedication to the Annual production.

    A members’ forum was held after the AGM.  Topics discussed focused on 2 areas, namely, sound governance and strategic planning.  Highlighted was the problem facing our industry as a whole; ie declining memberships and registrations.

    The Board feels it is important for all members to have the opportunity to be involved with the Society and wishes to announce that in line with this policy the 2019 AGM will be held on Saturday 15th June, 2019 in Western Australia.  This will be the first RPSBS AGM ever held in Western Australia.

  2.  A RPSBS Judges’ Seminar presented by Mike Smith and Robert Cockram was held before the AGM for the benefit of the South Australian members.  This seminar was videoed as part of a seminar package being produced that will enable RPSBS Judges who are unable to attend a seminar to apply to the National Office for a seminar package which, when successfully completed and returned, will count as a seminar attendance.  RPSBS  Judges must attend a judges’ seminar at least once in any 3 year period.
  3. The RPSBS Board will be undertaking a review of all RPSBS Policies and Procedures over the next 12 months and are keen to hear from members on any concerns or suggestions they may have for the Society. To facilitate this process a suggestion sheet is available on the RPSBS National website for download.  We ask members to use this sheet and, if members, have a number of suggestions on a number of topics, to use a separate sheet for each topic.

    The State Governance and Procedures document is under current review and any suggestions in relation to this policy will need to be at the National Office by July 31. At the September Board meeting, a RPSBS Code of Conduct will be considered similar to that of EA or ASHS.

  4. At the 2018 EA Nationals and 2019 SHCA Grand National RPSBS vouchers will again be awarded to both the owner and breeder of the highest placed qualifying Riding Pony exhibit in 4 selected classes.  For the owner to be eligible, the Riding Pony had to registered, entered in the name/s of the registered owner and the owner had to be a financial member. The Breeder is
    eligible as long as he/she is financial even if the owner is not financial.

    The vouchers can be used for any Society office transaction within a 12 month period.

    Show Pony 12hh & under
    Show Galloway 14.2 – 15hh
    Show Hunter Pony 12-13hh
    Show Hunter Pony 13-14hh

    Show Pony 12.2 – 14hh
    Show Galloway 14-14.2hh
    Show Hunter Pony ne12.2hh
    Show Hunter Galloway 14.2 – 15hh

  5. The Board is offering a subsidy of $500 to any RPSBS State Committees that run a RPSBS Youth Clinic. The only stipulation is that the Clinic be for registered Riding Ponies.  The children need not be current members or participants. The subsidy will be available following the event upon receipt of a report to the Board.
  6. In the last bulletin the Board announced the following addition to the RPSBS Heat Policy: When the temperature reaches 35 degrees children 12 years and under must remove their jackets while competing. Judges, officials and other exhibitors are strongly encouraged to also do so.

    This policy has been reviewed and the word must has been changed to are recommended to. The Heat Policy will now read: When the temperature reaches 35 degrees children 12 years and under are recommended to remove their jackets while competing. Judges, officials and other exhibitors are strongly encouraged to also do so.

  7. In the last Bulletin the Board was seeking a person to appoint as the Advertising Manager for the 2018 Annual.  We are pleased to announce that Despina Mitrakas of Show Pony Graphics has been appointed to that position.
  8. It will no longer be necessary when registering Geldings bred by chilled semen to apply for DNA testing. DNA parentage verification will still be required for geldings conceived by frozen semen or ET and for all colts and fillies conceived by transported semen (chilled or frozen) and ET.
  9. RPSBS Member renewals are due July 1, it is hoped that an online membership renewal facility will soon be available.
  10. All Society registry, membership forms and online details can be found on the RPSBS website www.rpsbs.com.au