- RPSBS members are reminded that ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE SHOWN IN THE NAME OF THE REGISTERED OWNER/LESSEE (BONA FIDE OWNER). This means that an exhibit must be in the name of the last recorded owner/lessee exactly as it appears on the exhibit’s Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd. Registration Certificate. When entered in multiple names one of the listed exhibitors for each pony entered in Riding Pony classes must be a current financial member of RPSBS and must be the owner/lessee of the pony entered. The named exhibitor may be a family member of the registered owner.
If a pony is owned or leased by two or more people then all need to remain financial. As soon as one is not financial then the Derived Membership is unfinancial. - RPSBS members are reminded that all geldings being shown in RPSBS classes must be registered as geldings with the Society. Members should check that their animals are not still listed as Foal Recorded. Members are also reminded that Foal Recording lapses at 1st August when the animal turns 4 year of age or if gelded, whichever occurs first.
- The RPSBS Board is considering implementing the following new rule: “RPSBS members are prohibited from judging exhibits in RPSBS classes that they have bred either individually or in partnership.” Feedback from members would be appreciated. Please email any feedback to registrar@rpsbs.com by April 1, 2018.
- The RPSBS NSW committee is pleased to announce that they have successfully negotiated the return of RPSBS Youngstock classes at Canberra Royal Show. It is imperative that our members support this initiative by entering and exhibiting their Youngstock at Canberra Royal.
- The RPSBS Qld committee is pleased to announce that Catherine James, Ringmaster at Toowoomba Royal has offered to include the RPSBS Champion of Champions classes and the 2017 Young Judges’ Final in the Tuesday afternoon/evening program at the 2018 Toowoomba Royal Show. Please check the Toowoomba Schedule to ensure you don’t miss entering those classes. RPSBS Qld, with many thanks to their sponsors, are providing additional prize money for these classes. Toowoomba Royal has always been a great supporter of RPSBS and the program for RPSBS classes on Wednesday is second to none. RPSBS Qld has donated $100 vouchers for the led RPSBS Show Hack and Show Hunter Champions.
Catherine James and her Toowoomba Royal Ring Committee must be congratulated on sourcing two UK Judges for their 2018 show. It is hoped that our members show their appreciation to Catherine and her team by supporting the show. - Planning has commenced on the 2018 Annual and the Board is still looking for an enthusiastic, motivated person to join the Annual team as the Advertising Manager whose role will be to source and liaise with potential advertisers. The RPSBS office takes on the role of invoicing and receiving monies. Show Pony Graphics does the necessary ad design and layout work but there is the vital role of contacting previous advertisers and sourcing new advertisers. The Board offers a commission of 10% on all advertising sales and remuneration of costs associated with the position to be negotiated. If this position is not filled the Board will be seeking the assistance of the State Publicity Officers and their helpers to take on these tasks.
To support our breeders, the RPSBS is working with Despina of Show Pony Graphics to reduce the RPSBS Annual advertising rates as much as possible. The Board’s goal is to have
our RPSBS 2018 annual as the first point of reference for stallions and studs across Australia. In early February details of the Annual’s advertising rates and offerings will be emailed to all members. We are also looking at offering Early Bird discount rates to those that book and pay for their advertisements by a prescribed date. - The RPSBS Board is forever searching for new initiates that will support our Riding Pony breeders. The Youngstock focus this year is one such initiative. Monies have been set aside to assist the state sub-committees provide prize monies and/or extra shows/classes for RPSBS Youngsters. States can apply to the RPSBS Board for assistance grants of up to $1500 to help fund these projects.
- RPSBS Ltd. wish to thank the EA Show Horse Nationals Committee for their help and support in organising the RPSBS awards at the 2017 EA Show Horse Nationals. In addition to the Medallions and Stars being awarded, $200 RPSBS vouchers were awarded to both the owner and breeder of the highest placed qualifying Riding Pony exhibit in 4 selected classes. For
the owner to be eligible, the Riding Pony had to registered, entered in the name/s of the registered owner and the owner had to be a financial member. The Breeder is eligible as long as he/she is financial even if the owner is not financial. The voucher is transferable and can be used for any Society transaction within a 12 month period.
The recipients of the $200 RPSBS vouchers at the 2017 EA Nationals were as follows:
Show Pony 12 -13hh: Owner Award to Graetz & Buckland for Argyl Star Quality, Breeder Award to Dianne Godfrey for Robannie Chart Topper
Show Pony 13-14hh: Owner Award to Heather Potts & Breeder Award to Lisa Smith for Pemberly Dior
Show Hunter Pony ne 12hh: Owner Award to Christy Pollock & Breeder Award to Jan Langley for Langtree Just Divine
Show Hunter Galloway 14-14.2hh: Owner Award to Tom & Amanda Edwards & Breeder Award to Pam Edwards for Saravale Focused - A similar reward scheme is being offered by RPSBS Ltd at SHCA 2018 Grand National Show. The classes selected for this show: Show Pony ne 12.2hh; Show Pony 12.2 – 14hh; Show Hunter Pony 12.2 – 14hh; Show Hunter Galloway 14-14.2hh.
- The RPSBS Ltd. Annual General Meeting will be held at the Comfort Inn, Haven Marina, Glenelg, South Australia on 16th June, 2018. Details will be published on the RPSBS web site.
We encourage members to attend the meeting and forum. - Judges’ Policy 7.4 has been revised from “After 3 years a State Panel judge can apply for inclusion onto the National Panel” to 2 years.
Those RPSBS members interested in becoming RPSBS Panel Judges are urged to check out the Judges’ Policy on the national web site. The Judges’ Application Form can be downloaded from the web site. - There has been a major revision of the “State Committee Structure & Procedures” document. There were significant issues with members having difficulties complying with these procedures and timelines. The Board felt that the system needed to be greatly simplified to encourage more members to become involved with their State Committees and that the State Committees should be given more autonomy in this process. The new Policy is being forwarded to State Secretaries and will be on the National web site for all members to peruse. All State Committee Annual Meetings will be held in May and all members are invited to attend these meetings. We are always seeking new committee members and any member that can assist in any way.
- The Conditions of Entry for RPSBS Shows and the RPSBS Showing Rules and Regulations have been amalgamated into one document. State Committees are to ensure they use and refer to the January 2018 revision.
- All Society registry and membership forms can now be found on the RPSBS website www.rpsbs.com.au