From the National Office
The Riding Pony National Office will close at 12 noon on Friday 21st December and reopen on Wednesday 2nd January
Some staff will still be on holidays during January so there will be delays catching up on the back log from the Christmas holidays; Members can greatly assist the office by accessing the web site The web site has an online studbook so that members can readily access their membership or registration numbers at any times and all forms and fees are listed on the web site and are up to date.
The following notice is so important that it is being repeated from the last newsletter.Membership renewals can now be done online by accessing the Studbook from the web site and logging on. Note, you will need to know your membership number to log on. Payment of memberships online is through Paypal;
Members are now able to amend their personal details online by logging onto the SAMMS database. Members are encouraged to check that their information on the system is up-to-date;
Names on memberships cannot be amended as they relate directly to ownership of animals;
Please reference all payments with your name and send the appropriate paperwork to the office at the same time. Do not transfer money without sending the paperwork at the same time;
A reminder that credit card payments cannot be processed without the expiry date being on the form.
From the Board
The Board of Directors wish all our members a most joyous and happy Christmas and New Year holiday period.
To all our state committee members a very special thank you for your hard work and dedication to our Society and the ponies that we all love to much.
To Helen and her staff at the National Office we wish you a very merry Christmas and our heartfelt thanks for your professionalism and and dedication to providing the best possible service for our members.
To Despina Mitrakas of Show Pony Graphics, a special thank you from the Board for your energy, enthusiasm and innovative ideas.
Our January Board meeting will continue to focus on the commitment made at the last Annual General Meeting to review the policies of RPSBS Ltd. A review of the Judges’ Policy will be undertaken to streamline the process where possible and further work will be done on the proposed Code of Conduct. It is hoped to have a draft of that policy published after the meeting for member’s comments.
The next RPSBS Ltd. Board of Directors meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th January at the Mercure Hotel, Sydney.
2018 Ego Sunsense EA Australasian Showhorse & Rider Championships
Congratulations to our members who competed in this years EA Nationals, it was exciting to see registered riding ponies win nearly all of the pony classes!
Click here to view the results of all classes
The RPSBS proudly sponsored the Open Large Show Pony which was won by Mirinda Alabaster owned by Christine Nichols and ridden by Daizi Plumb for Victoria Congratulations to all of the connections.
The RPSBS is proud to announce the following winners of the RPSBS Vouchers. To find out more about the voucher awards click here.
Show Pony ne 12hh: Newington Tinkerbell, Owned by Francis & Gale, Breeder: RL & G L Searle
Show Galloway 14.2-15hh Champion: Holly’s Galaxy Owner: Sarah Ryan Breeder: Angeline Penalurick
Show Hunter Pony 12-13hh Champion: Owendale Beesting Owner: Kate Kyros Breeder: Darrell Owen
Show Hunter Pony 13-14hh 3rd Place: Owendale Butter Schnapps Owner: Peter Hudson Breeder: Darrell Owen
2019 RPSBS Australian Performance Horse Magazine National Annual High Point Awards
It is hoped that all members competing will join the RPSBS Leaderboard competition. It is so easy to upload your results to the RPSBS web site from your phone while still at the show to ensure you don’t forget.
Welcome to our new sponsor Olympus Feeds!
Please support the our valued sponsors:
Australian Performance Horse Magazine
Barastoc Horse
Essential Equine Nutrition
Horse Deals
Giddy-Up Girl
Olympus Feeds
The NRG Team
Realities Cold Cast Bronze
We are still looking for sponsors, if you would like to support this new initiative please email

Congratulations to this months current leaders, remember anything can change.. make sure you submit your results!
Essential Equine Nutrition Ridden Show / Hunter Pony:
Andrew & Charlie Hunt Argyl Diamond
Horse Deals Ridden Overheight Show / Hunter Hack:
Ashleigh Shearer Dynasty Park Hot Chocolate
Ridden Performance Pony: Leanne Moore Sheldene Benallen
Olympus Feeds Led Show / Hunter Pony:
Alex, Christinne & Brooke Stevenson Naruni Park Taylor Made
Led Youngstock Pony (3 years & under
Leanne McCusker Harrington Park Heavenly Dream
Led Overheight Show / Hunter Hack:
Amanda Phillips Karma Park Tom Collins
Nutritional Assistance for the Show Ring
Ensuring your horse is in the optimal condition for the showring is extremely important to all competitors. The need to catch the judge’s eye with a healthy shiny coat is great but for a nutritionist having the horse that is both health inside and out is extremely important. With the National Show nearly upon us, having a horse that is in healthy condition is essential to ensure that they perform at their peak level for the entire show which for some of us may be 10 days.

RPSBS Annual
The 2018 Annual is now available to view online at Please share it with your friends.
In order to keep producing the best Annual possible, we have created a survey to gather your feedback.
We ask you all to take 5 mins of your time to answer it as honestly as you can so we can produce an Annual that all our members will value and support.

2018 Upcoming Events
REMEMBER Competing at RPSBS State Committee Events means you gain the MOST points, and more chances to win in our Leaderboard.
16th Dec VIC Equinade Riding Pony Masters Click Here
12th Jan 19 TAS Riding Pony Annual Show Click Here
12th Jan 19 VIC Equinade Riding Pony of the Year Show Click Here
20th Jan 19 VIC Equinade Youngstock Show Click Here
17th Feb 19 WA Riding Pony All Breeds Show Click Here
NSW Committee News
NSW State Committee ran a very successful State Show on 17th November 2018. The Sutton Farm Equestrian Centre 2018 NSW State Show was fabulous thanks to the generous sponsorship, hard working committee, the commitment of judges, and the ability to run in conjunction with an ENSW show. Due to popular request this was the first time the show was moved to meet the needs of members in the southern part of the State. Members were appreciative and very supportive of the day. The committee and members value highly the numerous sponsors who supported the Show. A special thanks will be forthcoming.
NSW State Committee is also running a judges workshop on January 12th in conjunction with SHC on the Central Coast. This special day will feature the ability to get up to date with all things show wise and also have the ability to meet requirements for both Riding Pony Society and Show Horse Council. For further details check our facebook page closer.
Finally the NSW Committee would like to wish all members, judges, and those who love riding ponies the very happiest of times over the festive season.
TAS Committee News
It has been a successful year for Riding Ponies in Tasmania. Riding ponies were well supported at both Royal Shows with the Supreme Ridden exhibit at both being riding pony registered. A busy few weeks ahead for the committee with the state Riding Pony Show taking place in early January – which showcases a wide range of classes.
A reminder to members to get your memberships and registrations sorted as the entries close on the 2nd January. We would like to take this opportunity to wish our members a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year.
Judge Change for the Riding Pony of the Year
Unfortunately our engaged judge for the Riding Pony Show, Susy Stewart, has injured herself and has to undergo surgery. As a result of this she has now had to decline the invitation to judge at the show. Our judge is now Raymond Butler who has kindly stepped up at short notice. We apologise for any inconvenience but this is totally out of our control.
We look forward to see you out in the show ring in 2019! Happy Riding.
Click here for the Tasmanian Riding Pony of the Year Program