2007 VIC Summer Royal Results

423. Brood Mare 14.2hh and under
1.Malibu Park Cocoa P & K Dunstan
1.Malibu Park Un-named P & K Dunstan

425. Dry Mare 4 years and over, over 13.2hh not over 14.2hh
1.Heldene Park Petite R Addison
2.Dainhill Evening Gown K Mulgrew
3.Rhyl Porcelaine Rhyl Riding Ponies
4.Dunelm Sculpture S Parkes
5.Elmvale Tiger Lily E & J Muhlebach
6.Sanlirra Bewitched S Tappy

426. Dry Mare 4 years and over, over 12.2hh and not over 13.2hh
1.Roseagle Sea Sonanta G Cameron
2.Uhavta Buttons and Bows H & M Burns
3.Lynlea Ragtime A Smiley
4.Rave on Rathowen S & K Quick
5.Dresden Lucinda Grace J Bode
6.Salisbury Suspicious Love Salisbury Stud

427. Dry Mare 4 years and over, 12.2hh and under.
1.Silkwood Angel Wings McMahon/McCormick
2.Newington Infinity Searle/Bradley
3.Roseagle Rhapsody G Cameron
4.Newington Whispers R & G Searle
5.Alpine Park Ripper Rita V Osborne
6.My Haven Wind Rush My Haven Stud

Champion Mare – Malibu Park Cocoa

Reserve Champion Mare – Silkwood Angel Wings


435. Filly 3 y & o 13.1hh & ne 14.1hh
1.Kolbeach Vogue T Van Heythuysen
2.Winfield Arwen G & A Paynter
3.Merivale Park Flirt Brooklyn Show Horses

436. Filly 3 y&o 12.1hh & ne 13.1hh
1.Beckworth Romany Duet M Beard
2.Ascot Scarlett O’Hara M Mc Guire Muller
3.Hibrie Countess Richardson/Devrome
4.Ashtan Park Pictureque Ashtan Park Stud
5.Dunelm Heartbeat Bacchetto Family

437. Filly 3 y&o 12.1hh and under
1.Shanlin Regal Jeanie Schmidt
2.Merrindale Sweetmus PyFace L Drysdale

438. Filly 2 y&o 13hh & ne 14hh
1.Kolbeach Class Warburton/Hayes
2.Kolbeach Be Free A Penalurick
3.Diamond Diva Manorvale Stables
4.Merivale Park China Rose Brooklyn Show Horses
5.Eson Chantilly K Porter
6.Tapu Hourglass C Herbert

439. Filly 2 y & o 12hh & ne 13hh
1.Willowcroft Secert Wish Willowcroft Stud
2.Falconhurst All Class C Brouns
3.Falconhurst Festivity R Cockram
4.Uhavta Royal Emerald H & M Burns
5.Pennyroyal Picture Perfect R Cottrill
6.Tanglewood Park Sonnet W & C Smith

440. Filly 2 year old 12hh and under

441. Filly Yearling 12.3hh and not over 13.3hh
1.Kolbeach Venetian A Penalurick
3.Fleurdlene Sapphire Sutherland/Petrie

442. Filly yearling 11.3hh & ne 12.3hh
1.Malibu Park Sorrento P & K Dunstan
2.Ashcroft Gemstone N Parsons
3.Rhyl Mannequin Rhyl Riding Ponies
4.Ascot Standing Ovation Ascot Stud
5.Wyngara Little Minx Wyngara Stud
6.Pennyroyal Spring Lily R Cottrill

403. Filly yearling 11.3hh and under
1.Karlana Tailor Made R Butler
2.Willowvale Forget Me Not J Ivory
3.Burnewang Cup of Diamonds R Metherall
4.Merivale Park Fairy Dust E Rudder
5.Karlana Bewitched Marin Family

Champion Filly – Beckworth Romany Duet

Reserve Champion Filly – Kolbeach Venetian

420 Stallion over 13.2hh ne14.2hh
1.Mirinda Jack of Diamonds Ashcroft Stud
2.Warrenwood Houston A Meursing

421 Stallion over 12.2hh and not over 13.2hh
1.Manorvale Finale Manorvale Stables
2.Myscal Galaxy Myscal/Feldtman
3.Stanton Park Special Edition A Oliver-Watkins

Champion Stallion – Manorvale Finale

Reserve Champion Stallion – Myscal

431. Colt 3y not over 14.1
1.Chippenham Titled Chippenham Stud
2.Aspen Way Gala Night D McKay
3.Rathowen Song and Dance Naringa Riding Ponies
4.Winfield Grand Opening G&A Paynter

432. Colt 2 years not exceeding 14hh
1.Whiterose Michelangelo Whiterose Stud
2.Karlana Classic Edition R Butler
3.Rathowen By George Conti/Gregory

433. Yearling Colt over 12.3hh ne 13.3hh

434. Colt Yearling not over 12.3hh
1.Kolbeach Flight A Penalurick
2.Leanda Makers Mark McMahon/McCormick
3.Stanton Park Black Label A Coxon
4.Newington Rumours R & G Searle
5.Waterford Park Graduation M Paynter
6.Tapu Private Rendezvous D Trcek

Champion Colt – Whiterose Michelangelo

Reserve Champion Colt – Kolbeach Flight
428. Gelding 4 years and over, over 13.2hh and not over 14.2hh
1.Rhyl Finishing Touch S Turner
2.Kolbeach Circus M Beard
3.Elmvale Top Cat E Muhlebach
4.Willowcroft Ascot D Seipolt
5.King Lodge Poetic Prince J Soldatos
6.Willowcroft Regal Tradition L Fieding

429. Gelding 4 years old and over, over 12.2hh and not over 13.2hh
1.Falconhurst Classic D & L Hayes
2.Salisbury Lord Amsbury Ivory/Petrie
3.Rathowen Blitz J Bode
4.Kirreway Beaumont Blackwood Ponies
5.My Haven Wind Dancer E Wright

430. Gelding 4 years and over, 12.2hh and under
1.Roseagle Maestro F McIntyre
2.Carisma Park Nicholas T Kirk
3.View Bank Ballard Maranu Park Saddle Up Team

444 Gelding 3 y& over 13.3hh ne 14.1hh
1.Chippenham Citation Chippenham Stud
2.Lynlea Pantomine A Smiley
3.Beckworth Magic Impression V De Santa-ana
4.Salisbury My Guy J Van Bregel

445. Gelding 3 y &u over 12.1hh & ne 13.1hh
1.Karlana Opening Night R Butler
2.Belrose Park Top Cat Bell Family
3.Naruni Park Penny Arcade P Ronzio
4.Darlton Park Royal Octave S Parkes
446. Gelding 3 y & u, 12.1hh & u
1.Leanda Hello There McMahon/McCormick

Champion Gelding – Falconhurst Classic

Reserve Champion Gelding – Chippenham Citation
Supreme Led Exhitbit: Whiterose Michelangelo
Judge S Richie

450. Newcomer Pony over 13.2hh and not over 14.2hh
1 Barrington Park English Rose Christie/Cullen
2 Kolbeach Circus M Beard
3 Aspen Park Matrix B Cusworth
4 Dainhill Evening Gown K Mulgrew
5 Merivale Park Flirt Brooklyn Show Horses
6 Langtree Rainman L Doyle

451. Newcomer Pony over 12.2hh & ne 13.2hh
1 Beckworth Romany Duet M Beard
2 Kolbeach Promise G Elliott
3 Lynlea Ragtime Smiley/Manifold
4 Beauparc Chelsea E Greshner
5 Waterford Park Premiere M Paynter
6 Thorwood Royal Scandal A Carter

452. Newcomer Pony 12.2hh and under
1 Carisma Park Nicholas T L Kirk
2 Shanlin Regal Jeanie K Schmidt
3 Taylyn Park Coco Chanel L King
4 Alpine Park Ripper Rita V Osborne
5 Langtree Ladybird M Bourke
6 Newington Whispers R & G Searle

Champ Newcomer Beckworth Romany Duet

Res Champ Newcomer Barrington Park English Rose

453. Ridden Show Pony over 13.2hh & ne 14.2hh
1 Helden Park Petite R Addison
2 Uhavta Bossie Boots H Tempany
3 Willowcroft Regal Charisma K Newman
4 Langtree Regal Heir Mc Master Family
5 Rhyl Finishing Touch S Turner
6 Wesswood Vixen Richardson/Devrome

454. Ridden Show Pony over 12.2hh & ne 13.2hh
1 Falconhurst World Class A Cincotta
2 Roseagle Sea Sonata G Cameron
3 My Haven Wind Dancer E Wright N
4 Rave On Rathowen S & K Quick
5 Willowcroft Holly’s Emblem Richardson/Devrome
6 Springtime Solitaire J Mansley

455. Ridden Show Pony 12.2hh and under
1 Silkwood Angel Wings McMahon/McCormick
2 Roseagle Rhapsody G Cameron
3 Roseagle Maestro F McIntyre
4 Riegal Intricacy K, N & D Riemer
5 Newington Infinity Searle/Bradley
6 Langtree Lilly Pilly D Walker-Matthews

Champion Ridden Show Pony – Silkwood Angel Wings

Reserve Champion Ridden Show Pony – Helden Park Petite

Ridden Show Hunters
456 Show Hunter Pony over 13.2hh & ne14.2hh
1 Fable Park Royalty Fable Park
2 Janlyn Three Wishes. L Doyle
3 Seabrook Master Print L & C Smith
4 Silkwood Spring Romance R & G Searle
5 Wesswood Seduction Lee Family
6 Park Second Edition D White

457 Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh & ne 13.2hh

Sorry we do not have these results

458 Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh and under
1 Langtree Pink Floyd E Carter
1 Mirinda Miss Money Penny Miss M Zammit
2 Taylyn Park Kailey L King
Champion Ridden Show Hunter Pony Fable Park Royalty

Reserve Champion Ridden Show Hunter Pony Janlyn Three Wishes
459 RIDDEN STALLION OR COLT/Stallion ne 14.2 hands, Colt ne 14.1 hands.
1 Mirinda Jack Of Diamonds Ashcroft Stud
2 Merrindale Fleet Street L & P Drysdale

448. Leading Rein
1 Roseagle Rhapsody G Cameron
2 Wilgaroo Cover Girl A & B Jones
3 Dunelm Puppet Show J & P Moloney
4 Langtree Lilly Pilly D Walker-Matthews
5 Langtree Comic Caper L Sharp
6 Rocky Hill Special Charm L Sharp

449. First Ridden
1 On The Prowl Of Whiterose B Begley
2 Silkwood Angel Wings McMahon/ McCormick
3 Wilgaroo Cover Girl A & B Jones
4 Langtree Lilly Pilly D Walker-Matthews
5 My Haven Wind Chime My Haven Stud
6 Langtree Comic Caper Ms L Sharp

420 Stallion over 13.2hh & ne 14.2hh
1.Mirinda Jack of Diamonds Ashcroft Stud
2.Warrenwood Houston A Meursing

421 Stallion over 12.2hh and not over 13.2hh
1.Manorvale Finale Manorvale Stables
2.Myscal Galaxy Myscal/Feldtman
3.Stanton Park Special Edition A Oliver-Watkins
448 LEADING REIN RIDING PONY, 12 hands and under.
1. Roseagle Rhapsody G Cameron
2. Wilgaroo Cover Girl A & B Jones
3 Dunelm Puppet Show J & P Moloney
4 Langtree Lilly Pilly D Walker-Matthews
5 Langtree Comic Caper L Sharp
6 Rocky Hill Special Charm L Sharp

449 CHILD’S FIRST RIDDEN RIDING PONY, 12.2 hands and under, rider under 12 years.
1 On The Prowl Of Whiterose B Begley
2 Silkwood Angel Wings McMahon/ McCormick
3 Wilgaroo Cover Girl A & B Jones
4 Langtree Lilly Pilly D Walker-Matthews
5 My Haven Wind Chime My Haven Stud
6 Langtree Comic Caper Ms L Sharp

450 NEWCOMER RIDING PONY, over 13.2 hands and not over 14.2 hands. (Ridden)
1 Barrington Park English Rose Christie/Cullen
2 Kolbeach Circus M Beard
3 Aspen Park Matrix B Cusworth
4 Dainhill Evening Gown K Mulgrew
5 Merivale Park Flirt Brooklyn Show Horses
6 Langtree Rainman L Doyle

451 NEWCOMER RIDING PONY, over 12.2 hands and not over 13.2 hands. (Ridden)
1 Beckworth Romany Duet M Beard
2 Kolbeach Promise G Elliott
3 Lynlea Ragtime Smiley/Manifold
4 Beauparc Chelsea E Greshner
5 Waterford Park Premiere M Paynter
6 Thorwood Royal Scandal A Carter

452 NEWCOMER RIDING PONY, not over 12.2 hands. (Ridden)
1 Carisma Park Nicholas T L Kirk
2 Shanlin Regal Jeanie K Schmidt
3 Taylyn Park Coco Chanel L King
4 Alpine Park Ripper Rita V Osborne
5 Langtree Ladybird M Bourke
6 Newington Whispers R & G Searle

453 RIDDEN SHOW PONY, over 13.2 hands and not over 14.2 hands.
1 Helden Park Petite R Addison
2 Uhavta Bossie Boots H Tempany
3 Willowcroft Regal Charisma K Newman
4 Langtree Regal Heir Mc Master Family
5 Rhyl Finishing Touch S Turner
6 Wesswood Vixen Richardson/Devrome

454 RIDDEN SHOW PONY, over 12.2 hands and not over 13.2 hands.
1 Falconhurst World Class A Cincotta
2 Roseagle Sea Sonata G Cameron
3 My Haven Wind Dancer E Wright N
4 Rave On Rathowen S & K Quick
5 Willowcroft Holly’s Emblem Richardson/Devrome
6 Springtime Solitaire J Mansley

455 RIDDEN SHOW PONY, not over 12.2 hands.
1 Silkwood Angel Wings McMahon/McCormick
2 Roseagle Rhapsody G Cameron
3 Roseagle Maestro F McIntyre
4 Riegal Intricacy K, N & D Riemer
5 Newington Infinity Searle/Bradley
6 Langtree Lilly Pilly D Walker-Matthews

456 SHOW HUNTER PONY, over 13.2 hands and not over 14.2 hands. (Ridden).
1 Fable Park Royalty Fable Park
2 Janlyn Three Wishes. L Doyle
3 Seabrook Master Print L & C Smith
4 Silkwood Spring Romance R & G Searle
5 Wesswood Seduction Lee Family
6 Park Second Edition D White

458 SHOW HUNTER PONY, not over 12.2 hands. (Ridden).
1 Langtree Pink Floyd E Carter
1 Mirinda Miss Money Penny Miss M Zammit
2 Taylyn Park Kailey L King

459 RIDDEN STALLION OR COLT – stallion not over 14.2 hands, colt not over 14.1 hands.
1 Mirinda Jack Of Diamonds Ashcroft Stud
2 Merrindale Fleet Street L & P Drysdale